About Australia

About Australia

Australia is considered as a unique and diverse country, in terms of its culture, population, climate geography and history. It is an island continent and the word’s sixth largest country. It lies between the Indian and Pacific oceans. Australia capital city is Canberra.

As of March 2013, the population of Australia is posted at 23.0327M according to Australian Bureau of Statistics. More than half of the country’s population is living in two (2) states – New South Wales (32%) and Victoria (25%). Australia experiences temperate weather for most of the year. The northern states of Australia are typically warm most of the time while the southern states experiences cool winters.

The country is multi-cultural and this is reflected in food, lifestyle and cultural practices. The important heritage of Australia is from its indigenous people. The diversity of influences creates a cultural environment in Australia that is lively, energized, innovative and outward looking.

Australia follows a federal system of government under which powers are distributed between the federal government and the states.